Supporting stateless Maktoum to obtain COVID-19 vaccination

When the pre-vaccination registration platform was launched, people who wanted to get vaccinated had to pick a nationality. Hence, a stateless person could not register. With the advocacy of Oummal, the categories of ‘Maktoum’ (stateless people of a Lebanese origin) and ‘Quayd el dars’ (stateless people of a non-Lebanese origin i.e. foreign or unknown father)  were added to the nationality list on the platform, and the Ministry of Health agreed that the documentation that some stateless people have – namely, the ‘bitakat taarif’, obtained from local mayors – would be sufficient to register on the vaccination platform. A third extension was added to the national vaccination hotline to help in the registration of stateless people.

The aim of this project is twofold:

  • To help stateless people obtain documentation
  • To support stateless people, once their documentation has been obtained, to register on the vaccination platform.

The project involved helping stateless people through the process of receiving an identification document from the village mayor and helping stateless people to register on the vaccination platform, through the vaccination hotline extension code, which was added specifically for stateless people. The extension code was used to register stateless people; to follow up on their inquiries, complaints and cases; to provide technical support in case of difficulties during registration or when scheduling appointments; to re-contact them to ensure that they receive confirmation codes for appointments and to ensure that they are vaccinated; and to check up on them post vaccination. It also involved a field activity in Akkar, where the team of Oummal launched its mobile clinic to register the stateless population there and to vaccinate them.

Calls Data

134 Received Calls

68 Documented Calls

1,068 Registered people

5 Vaccinated people

Important dates

August 2021: Project initiation date

September 2021: Launched the mobile clinic in Akkar to register and vaccinate stateless people

December 2021: End date


The ISI (Institute Statelessness and Inclusion) through a partnership agreement


ISI from the CESF (COVID-19 Emergency Statelessness Fund)


Total budget of 4,979 EUR (daily exchange rate)

The budget covered the training of the national vaccination hotline team on handling the cases of stateless people, the documentation software edits, the salary of operators and field activities to deal with vaccination hesitancy, and to register and vaccinate stateless people.

Human resources

4 Employees